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Hey Besties! I want to introduce myself more than the about me section on my website. If you haven't read it yet - read it here! You'll find out exactly how Kind and Brave Designs began!

I live in South Jersey and have lived in the area my entire life. I attended Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania for college and ended up right back in NJ after graduation. I have BS in recreation management and have been working at a YMCA summer camp since I received my degree. I am a full-time day camp director.... yes, it is full time. It truly takes 9.5 months to plan for a 2.5 month program. I promise to one day write a blog about all of the unthinkable things I encounter during the summer months.

I married my husband, Bradley, in 2016. Camp brought us together as his sister and I worked together. Side note - our wedding was literally the best day in my entire life. I probably brought all of the photo booth props on the dance floor and danced the night away.

In 2017, we welcomed a baby girl into the world, Zoe. Zoe is currently 4 years old and is the exact replica of me. Sometimes it's a good thing and other times it's a scary thing!

Here are a few of my favorite things:

  • pizza - there is nothing like a good, plain cheese pizza

  • iced coffee - it doesn't matter if it's snowing, give me all the iced coffee

  • Taco Bell - I love Taco Bell more than I care to admit but if you know, you know

  • make up - I recently really got into make up. I blame my Ipsy subscription

  • board games - I will learn and play any game. My current favorites are Ticket to Ride, Now Boarding , and Forbidden Island. However, I do love a good game of Scattergories.

  • binge watching tv shows - I prefer tv shows over movies. But my toxic trait is that I have to binge something in it's entirely before I watch something else. Currently watching: Blue Bloods

  • vacations - my motto is, it's not a vacation if I have to bring a jacket :)

Here are a few things that I dislike:

  • bugs - ewwwwwwwww. gross. can't stand them. I know what you're thinking. "how do you work at a summer camp?" and my answer is, I just scream when they come near me.

  • waking up early - my bed is way too cozy to be getting out of it before 9 am.

  • my husband putting his clothes next to the hamper instead of inside - this requires no explanation.

  • jeans - I am not sure why these things were ever created.

Thanks for being here, bestie!

Be Kind and Be Brave,


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Hey Bestie! I am so happy you are here! :) If you would have told me one year ago that my business would have a website I would have...


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